Oats Banana Smoothie is a healthy nutritious drink.
Oats Banana Smoothie is an amazing energy drink option to start your day. Smoothie is a low-calorie breakfast. It is a good source of protein. It gives you energy and makes you ready for the whole day. Moreover, it can help you to lose weight. In addition, raw oats are nutritious. It is high in the soluble fiber beta-glucan, and they make you feel full for longer. So try to make this energetic drink in your kitchen and don’t forget to share your feedback with us.
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This recipe was prepared by a lovely Mom: Sapna Maheshwari From Faridabad
Tips and suggestions by the Mom Chef:
- You can add chia seeds instead of sabja seeds.
- Fruits and dry fruits can be added as per choice and availability.
For more such exciting recipes like Oats Banana Smoothie, please click on the following links:
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