2 Types Of Pancakes | 2 Types Of Chilla are heirloom dishes.
2 Types Of Pancakes | 2 Types Of Chilla are a quick traditional meals. This recipe includes meetha chilla and tikha chilla. You can prepare meetha chilla with whole wheat flour, jaggery powder, and cardamom powder. In addition, it is a nice dessert option for kids as well as elders. Tikha chilla is prepared from gram flour, veggies, and some spices. Moreover, both pancakes are good options for breakfast, dinner, or lunch. So, try out this tasty and quick dish for your family and share your feedback with us in the comment section.
This recipe was prepared by lovely Moms: Vijay Haldiya & Shraddha Thakrar
Tips and suggestions by the Mom Chef:
- The ratio of jaggery powder to water should be 1:2.
- The jaggery syrup shouldn’t be boiled.
- The ratio of jaggery syrup to whole wheat flour should be 1:2.
- To prepare the lumps-free batter – add the jaggery syrup gradually.
- The tawa should be medium hot while preparing the chilla. Add a drop of water to check the temperature of tawa.
- Keep the flame low while adding the batter to the tawa.
- If you want, you can add fennel seeds to batter.
- You can add vegetables as per choice and availability.
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