Mango and Watermelon Popsicle is a perfect summer special dish.
Mango and Watermelon Popsicle is a great recipe for this summer season. This recipe uses minimum ingredients and tastes just like the one we get in the stores. Ripe mangoes, watermelon, and sugar are literally the main ingredients that this recipe uses. This is also very quick to prepare as it hardly takes any of your time. Since these are the seasonal fruits that are available easily during the summers you can make it very easily during this season. So try this summer’s special refreshing popsicle at your home and beat the heat with your family. Do let us know how you liked this popsicle in the comments section.
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This recipe was prepared in Philips Juicer Mixer Grinder: A similar model of this mixer juicer grinder is available in all leading stores. It is also available at Amazon which will deliver to your home
Tips and Suggestions by the Chef:-
- You can use any kind of mango that you like or is available to you, although using Alphonso mangoes is recommended.
- For taking out the popsicles, remember not to take them out right away as soon as you take them from the freezer. Let it rest in room-temperature water for about 30 seconds and then take the popsicles out of the mould.
For more such exciting recipes like Mango and Watermelon Popsicle, please click on the following links:
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