Papad Ki Sabzi is a mouthwatering curry of papad for all.
Papad Ki Sabzi is quick and easy curry which does not require any type of veggie. The dish includes cooking papad in the curd with the base as gravy with some spices. This is a delicious curry goes well with paratha or roti. This is a famous curry of Rajasthani cuisine. Sometimes vegetables are not available at home and we do not know what to make for lunch or dinner. So, this is a perfect option for all the queries. This does not require any special ingredients and time. You can make this curry within minutes. This is absolutely amazing curry and will become favourite of your family members too. So, try to make this curry at home by following this simple recipe and let us know how was it.
This curry was prepared by Joshna Bhandari – a lovely mom from Rajasthan.
Tips and Suggestions by Mom Chef:-
- You can add roasted papad to the curry.
- You can adjust the spiciness of the sabzi according to your taste.
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