Tomato Dosa With Butter Corn & Chutney is a tangy and spicy dish.
Tomato Dosa With Butter Corn & Chutney is a very easy and quick recipe for any time meal. It is a healthy as well as a yummy dish to serve in tiffin. This will be a great alternative for heavy parathas. In addition, It is good for everyone as it supplies all the required nutrients. It is a special dish for busy weekdays dinner. Moreover, this delicious chutney enhances the flavors of the dosa. So, try to make this recipe in your kitchen and let us know your feedback in the comment section.
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This recipe was prepared by a lovely Mom: Archana Chakravarthy From Karnataka
Tips and Suggestions by the Mom Chef:
- Prepare thick dosa to keep it soft for a long time.
- If you want you can add Black pepper and chaat masala to the butter corn.
- Tadka can be added to the chutney.
- Prepare this dish using Dosa Batter.
For more such exciting recipes like Tomato Dosa With Butter Corn & Chutney, Please click on the following links:
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