Aloo Pancake | Potato Pancake is a scrumptious snack for all, especially kids.
Aloo Pancake | Potato Pancake is a quick and very to prepare pancake. This uses potato, a little bit of gram flour/besan and cornflour along with some spices. It is a little crispy from outside with a soft centre. This can be a perfect snack for evening tea-time or for unexpected guests or even for kid’s tiffin. This is a simple pancake recipe with easily available ingredients. So, try this easy to make pancakes and enjoy with your loved ones.
This recipe was prepared by a lovely mom : Vijay Haldiya
Tips and Suggestions by Mom Chef:-
- Adding salt to the soaked grated potato, will prevent the potato from turning black.
- Green chillies are optional if this pancake is being made for kids
- Either crushed black pepper or black pepper powder can be used.
- It should be cooked on a low flame so that it gets cooked completely and becomes crisp from the outside.
For more such exciting recipes like Aloo Pancake | Potato Pancake, please click on the following links:
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